Gracie Lane



University of Texas at Arlington | Web Design | Spring 2022

Problem to Solve

Gracie Lane is a collection of boutique stores located in Arlington, Texas. The goal here was to recreate their website to fit a target audience. Gracie Lane has a predominately older female audience and I wanted to focus on a younger demographic of women in their 20’s.


I started with heavy research to properly nail down the proper aesthetic I was looking to achieve. I then started with layout compositions based on the content on the previous website. I chose to focus my redesign on the trendy autumn color pallet mixed with a 1960-1970’s aesthetic. This allowed me to successfully target my desired audience without making the established audience feel left out. I also relied on photos heavily to show a diverse group of women in the same age of my target audience. Finally, I created tin-cans that act similarly to business cards. They are covered in icons from the website to subconscious remind them of what can be found at the store as well serve as a conversational piece when in social settings. The idea was to create a shareable social treat that would hopefully lead to conversation about Gracie Lane.

I created a website that successfully looks and feels like its right out of the 70s.



Flogging Molly