University of Texas at Arlington | Advertising Design | Fall 2021
Problem to Solve
Select a human advocacy topic and create an advertising campaign to bring about awareness, but more importantly, action. The campaign had to have an action plan that would be easy to recreate in order to have a larger impact. I chose to do homelessness in Arlington, Texas and partner with Target to execute the action plan.
I started with research. I wanted to see what kind of creative campaigns have been done in the past to advocate for homelessness in the past. I wanted to have a unique approach. I chose to focus mainly on the living conditions and decisions homeless people were having to make. I decided to partner with Target because they have both food and clothing items, as well as limited medical items. I formatted my action plan based on the United States Marine Corps Toys-for-Tots program. Instead of toy it would be food and survival items. The most important part of this campaign would be to have people actively participate in being part of the solution. Instead of throwing money at the issue I wanted them to take an active role in order to create ownership over the problem. Participants would be given an empty care package upon entering Target and deposit it when they leave. Target would then deliver the boxes where needed. The box itself would have important information on it for homeless people including a map to nearest shelter as well as resource lines.
An effective advertising campaign that invites the viewer to be part of the solution. This advocacy campaign would also be easy to duplicated in any city with a Target and would ideally spread to other retailers ready to join a good cause.
